[Git](https://code.nephatrine.net/NephNET/docker-nginx-ssl/src/branch/master) | [Docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/nephatrine/nginx-ssl/) | [unRAID](https://code.nephatrine.net/NephNET/unraid-containers) # NGINX Reverse Proxy/Web Server This docker container manages the NGINX application, a lightweight web server and reverse proxy. It includes certbot/letsencrypt for easily obtaining TLS certificates if your server is publicly accessible. The `latest` tag points to version `1.25.4` and this is the only image actively being updated. There are tags for older versions, but these may no longer be using the latest Alpine version and packages. This container is primarily intended to be used as a reverse proxy/cache to access other containers. You can certainly serve static content, but tools like PHP or MySQL are not included. ## Docker-Compose This is an example docker-compose file: ```yaml services: nginx: image: nephatrine/nginx-ssl:latest container_name: nginx environment: TZ: America/New_York PUID: 1000 PGID: 1000 ADMINIP: TRUSTSN: DNSADDR: "" SSLEMAIL: SSLDOMAINS: B_MODULI: 4096 B_RSA: 4096 B_ECDSA: 384 ports: - "80:80/tcp" - "443:443/tcp" - "443:443/udp" volumes: - /mnt/containers/nginx:/mnt/config ``` ## Server Configuration These are the configuration and data files you will likely need to be aware of and potentially customize. - `/mnt/config/etc/mime.type` - `/mnt/config/etc/nginx.conf` - `/mnt/config/etc/nginx.d/*` - `/mnt/config/www/default/*` Modifications to some of these may require a service restart to pull in the changes made.