[GitHub](https://github.com/nephatrine/docker-nginx-ssl) | [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/nephatrine/nginx-ssl/) | [unRAID](https://github.com/nephatrine/unraid-docker-templates) # NGINX+SSL (Certbot/LetsEncrypt) Docker This docker is intended to be used as a forwarding proxy to access other dockers. You can certainly serve static content, but tools like PHP or MySQL are not included. Certbot is installed and can request SSL certificats from LetsEncrypt on your behalf assuming you have entered the appropriate values. DNS challenges are not supported until I can come up with a good way to automate it. Unfortunately, that means wildcard certificates cannot be requested at this time. ## Settings - **DNSADDR:** DNS IPs (space-delimited) - **PUID:** Volume Owner UID - **PGID:** Volume Owner GID - **SSLEMAIL:** LetsEncrypt Email Address - **SSLDOMAINS:** LetsEncrypt (Sub)domains (comma-delimited) - **TZ:** Time Zone ## Mount Points - **/mnt/config:** Configuration Volume